
2024 sponsors

CV-Library is the UK’s largest independent job board, boasting a CV database of over 19 million CVs. Offering a competitive range of packages, CV-Library provides comprehensive hiring solutions for companies of all sizes, industries and locations nationwide. Whether you’re sourcing candidates from CV-Library’s huge CV database or advertising your roles to a wide talent pool across their network of 800+ sites, the team understands how important it is to get results quickly. The multi-award-winning platform attracts over 4.3 million unique site visitors every month, generating over 3 million job applications. CV-Library provides a fully account-managed service throughout your hiring campaign, ensuring you achieve the best results. CV-Library has been rated as the UK’s #1 job board on Trustpilot and, for nine years in a row, at least 95% of clients rate their service as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’.

Recruiter, the principal magazine of the UK and international recruitment profession invites recruiters to discuss articles from Recruiter magazine, news from recruiter.co.uk as well as the issues of the day in the global recruitment sector and profession.

sponsorship enquiries:

Interested in gaining premium exposure to a target audience or recruitment marketing professionals plus invaluable coverage across Recruiter’s digital and print platforms? Then look no further! For more information about sponsorship opportunities, get in touch today via the email address above.

Recruitment Marketing Awards event enquiries:

We hope that this site will answer most questions you may have about the Awards. If you have any other questions or would like to be added to the RMAs newsletter, please contact the Recruitment Marketing Awards events team via the email address above.